The altitude of 430 meters above sea level, its location south of Como and the lake and the possibility of strategic connections with the surrounding territory, have determined the constant use of the Baradello hill, from the protohistoric to the historical era, with defensive functions, traffic light (signaling) and duty.

Of significant importance are the monumental, historical and archaeological sites existing on this hill. The massive Romanesque tower that stands out on the top is the Baradello Castle: it was built in the mid-twelfth century, at the time of Emperor Federico Barbarossa, preceded by another original fortress, larger and probably surrounded by walls connected to another defensive bulwark placed lower, at the southern slopes of the hill; it gave its name to the underlying Cà Merlata, in the current town of Camerlata. «After a first phase, in which we have taken root in the territory and consolidated our image, with an increasingly intense collaboration with the institutions, we now have long-term prospects: we must think big to fly high, to always have a theater open and packed, to offer a place where not only can you "have fun" with the high notes of a singer or a dance step, but also share a strong cultural experience. That the public feel it as a primary need. Not a luxury or a simple opportunity for recreation, but a necessity ».

Orari: Giovedì e Sabato mattina, Domenica

Address Phone
via Castel Baradello - 22100 Como 031 211131